And the new movie, called Sam And Victor's Day Off will look to tell that story.
Those characters, played by Richard Edson and Larry “Flash” Jenkins, aren't named, but we do see them take the car for a day of joyriding. 'What valets?' At one point in Ferris Bueller, the lead trio of Ferris ( Matthew Broderick), Cameron ( Alan Ruck) and Sloane ( Mia Sara) drop Cameron's dad's Ferrari off with a couple of parking attendants. Still, no one has really tried to spin it off, but Paramount is making that move, looking to put a film about the valets from the movie into production. John Hughes' 1986 classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off is one of those movies that, while it is considered all but untouchable, has been homaged, referenced and spoofed for years.